It is only a matter of time...

So, I should know by now: Its only a matter of time.

Left to myself and my own "devices" it is only a matter of time before I make a mess of things. Oh sure, I have the best intentions. I get up early to read my Bible, pray and journal. Make my kids breakfast and if I'm feeling extra helpful I will even make Andrew lunch! And for about 30 minutes I'm the world's greatest mom, wife and Christian. :) (And you wonder why I'm doomed!) But then it happens. Andrew doesn't show the proper amount of appreciation-which changes daily of course! Or Andy doesn't do what I want him to do and exerts his own will (how dare he!). Or I remember what I had forgotten to remember to do the day before thus throwing my day into a tail spin!

Whatever the cause, the mess has begun and my perfect "awards" begin to be stripped away one by one...until at the end of the day I am left with nothing. Or so I feel. I've often wondered what the Lord thinks of my "fresh and clean" attitude that I start each day with. Yes, it is important to try to do what is right in the eyes of our Lord. And there is really nothing wrong with striving for perfection. It is how I go about it that causes the problem. And of course I go about it ALL WRONG! Sure I read my scriptures, journal and pray but many days that is where it ends. I don't rely on the Lord for patience or self-control. Nope, I instead snap at everyone (including the helpless; faultless cashier at the grocery store-what kind of a person does that?!) or lose patience with my-indecisive yet very particular-4 year old. Whatever I do one thing is obvious-I blow it!

But here comes the amazing part: the Lord doesn't leave me there. Don't get me wrong, there are times when I will "wallow" there for days. But the Lord is faithful, ladies!! He picks me up, dusts me off and sets me right again. Some days He does this through His Word; other days it is through other people. But this day it was through a song. :)

So here is that song, ladies.      Savior Please Video

My prayer for us today is this: That we would get our strength; our wisdom and our "power" to do what is right, from our God. And that when we fail, as we often will, we would allow our Savior to do just that-save us. He will pick us up, dust us off and put us right because HE is more than capable of doing this thing He has called us to. And WE can do it with HIM!

Loving and praying for you all today!


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