It had been there all along-I just couldn't (or wouldn't) see it!

My kids are 2 and 5 years of age. One of them communicates quite effectively... the other, well-not so much. So, every time there is a fight; screaming match; or sudden outburst of tears, wailing, shrieking... I usually only get one side of the story. And, as a mom, I know that this is probably not the whole story. Now-if I were to base the "punishment" or consequence on just this one-sided version of events... well, I'm not sure how effective my parenting would be, ha! :^)

Oddly enough, this is how I have felt each morning as I've walked through Genesis in my Bible study (The Promised One: Seeing Jesus in Genesis by Nancy Guthrie). Now I've studied Genesis, OK. I mean, I grew-up in the Church people-I know all about these Bible stories (or so I thought!). But as I've experienced my God "hovering" over the vast expanse that would soon become Earth or hid in the Garden with Adam & Eve; rode the waves with Noah and laid bricks to build the Tower of Babel-I've begun to notice that: I have been missing something significant in each of these stories. It is almost as if I have been getting only one side of the story. Oh, friends what a merciful God we serve! He longs for us to know Him, so much so, that He reveals himself to us time after time. And even when I don't get it-well, in his mercy He makes sure that I do.

OK, so I'm not going to share the entire book of Genesis. 1-Because we haven't finished it, ha! And 2. Because I want to challenge you to pick it up for yourself. To ask our Lord to reveal to you in a fresh and significant way-Genesis. Sometimes the best way to look forward is to look back. (I'm sure there is some wise person I need to be crediting this quote to-if you find them, let me know!)

So, the story I'm going to share is the story of  Jacob (Genesis 25:19-Genesis 35) . Ah, Jacob, right!? He's the guy who:
Was born the "younger" twin (by mere seconds); who's name means "cheater" (awesome-nope!); who would later be known as "Israel" (yea, that Israel); stealer of the blessing & birthright of his older brother, Esau (harsh!); dreamer of "ladders" (Jacob's ladder!); ironically, tricked into marrying the wrong girl; and the best part-the guy who wrestled with God to get a blessing (and permanent limp!) out of Him. 
Wow, Jacob is a pretty crazy dude, ya'll! But here's the part that I had missed until now: Jacob spent a good portion of his life wrestling for something he was actually born with. That's right. Remember that blessing and birthright I mentioned? His. That blessing from God that he wrestled Him for leaving him with a permanent limp? Also his.You see, God had said that Jacob was to receive the blessing ("...the older will serve the younger." Genesis 25:23, in part) But Jacob (with the help of his mother) was going to ensure that he received that blessing himself-no matter the cost.

I sometimes feel like Jacob. Jacob didn't trust God to fulfill His promises.. and sadly, sometimes neither do I. You see, God has promised to provide for me, guide me, comfort me, be with me, love me... give my life purpose and meaning. And yet-time and time again I find myself wrestling through this life, attempting to secure these promises myself. But here's where it gets good. You see, if you finish the story (of Jacob), you will find that God is faithful to Jacob (now called Israel) and he is indeed blessed by God. And that, in His unfailing love, mercy, and grace-God uses all of Jacob's "wrestling" to reveal Himself to Jacob. And eventually, transform his heart.

Well, if you know me at all-you know where I'm going with this! And, my prayer for us today is this: That we would first rely on God's promises to us as followers of Christ. And then, having relied on those promises: stop wrestling our way through this life-as if to, somehow, secure God's blessings ourselves. God is faithful friends. Of that, we can be sure!. "...For I know the one in whom I trust, and I am sure that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until the day of his return." (2 Timothy 1:12 NLT, in part)

Loving and praying for us all today!


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