"Mommy please show mercy"...

"Mommy please show mercy"

Those were the words scribbled on the chalkboard in our front (school) room a few days ago.

Oh boy! I thought to myself, Better erase that before somebody sees it and thinks we're ruthless dictators or worse-use corporal punishment with our children!? ;) You see, this concept of mercy was relatively new to our 7 yr-old.One night, after a series of particularly awful tantrums, he was sent to bed early. (In our home this is rather devastating-reserved only for the worst of offenses.) Which, of course resulted in about 30 minutes of tears, wails, moans, and begging. I was staying strong, however and was unmoved by his pleas! "Stick to your guns", I said to myself over and over. "Be consistent! It's for his own good!" But a crazy thing happened in the midst of all that chaos. The Lord spoke... And I felt him saying, "Show mercy.".

Show mercy? Really, Lord?! Wait a minute! I thought it was consistent parenting that yielded the kind of results I could be proud of. Not relenting and showing (ugh) mercy?? But he spoke again. "Now is the time for mercy. The things I desire require you to show mercy." You see, sometimes I forget that these little ones are also growing and experiencing the Lord daily. My son was changed by my obedience to show mercy that night. Turning that rather mundane parenting moment into an extremely important 'God Moment', for him. By showing him mercy I was able to explain to him the mercy shown each of us by God through the sacrifice of Jesus.And how by putting our faith in Him we are spared... shown mercy and ultimately given life. (Thank-you Jesus!!)

Well, that night came with plenty of lessons for me, as well! I often forget that our God is not a results oriented God. It is not the picture of perfection He is after. But rather, a heart that is seeking and desiring Him. For my God shows mercy and offers grace-new every morning! He has stayed his hand and has spared me from his wrath-the wrath I so completely deserve. Praise the Lord!!

I want to leave you with a scripture that was given new life to me that night. And my prayer today is simple: "Lord, help me to follow Your lead. Show me when I am looking for results when I should be simply looking for You." 

"But God is so rich in mercy, and he loved us so much, that even though we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead. (It is only by God’s grace that you have been saved!)" Ephesians 2:4-5 NLT

Loving and praying for you all today!


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