If Your Empathy Isn't Costing You Anything - You're Doing It Wrong.
em·pa·thy /ˈempəTHē/ Learn to pronounce noun the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Alongside compassion, empathy is the word of the season, isn't it? Whether we're talking about this election season, the season of the pandemic, or as we navigate, yet another, season of reconciling (or at the very least attempting to reconcile) our racist past, as a nation. Compassion. Empathy. While any one of these topics could be fodder for a post - I want to talk about the election. And specifically about abortion . As you know, abortion is a topic very personal for me. I've written about it multiple times over the years. When I was 19 years old I had my baby aborted. I detail my experience HERE and expound on why I am decidedly anti-abortion HERE . Recently, it seems, abortion has become quite the 'hot button' topic, right? Republicans claiming they are the only ones trying to "save lives". They claim compassion and empathy toward the unborn. ...