
Showing posts from 2012

When "peace" is hard to find....

It had been there all along-I just couldn't (or wouldn't) see it!

"Sacred Parenting"... again! :^)

"In the unlikely event of a water landing your seat cushion may be used as a floatation device"-great!!

Sometimes "hard" doesn't even begin to describe it...

Trying to finish a sentence with toddlers is like-

"Just take me to the juice and nobody gets hurt!!" ;^)

I'm gonna need a moment...

Everything I ever needed to know-I learned Spring semester at Real Moms! :)

The war rages on...

"You've got...laundry?!" How God used dirty laundry to lead me to the cross :)

Don't ask me about the weather!! ;^)

Finished; not DONE! ;^)

Where did that "girl" go??

He BEGGED to go with Him??!!

Taking it slow...