Taking it slow...

I should try, some day, to count the number of times I glance at my phone/clock to check the time. Oh sure, there are mornings when I'm home with the kids-sitting on the floor playing-when I don't care what time it is. (Unless its getting close to naptime... and then yea, I care!) But most days I find myself in a CONSTANT rush. I'm running late here or gotta get this done before that-whatever it is: I'm running!

Well, last week while reading my new book Prayer: Does it Really Matter? by Philip Yancey, I came across a quote. Or rather a quote that is a list. The author of the list I don't remember but the list stirred something in me. So much so that I literally copied it down and stuck it, at eye level, to my refrigerator! Here is the list:

How can I slow down Today?
How can I simplify things Today?
How can I bring silence into my life Today?
How can I savor this moment Today?
How can I speak up (tell the truth) Today?
How can I settle in Today?
How can I shed my armor and masks Today?
How can I soften my approach to life Today?
How can I serve the Community Today?

And so I've been trying. Trying to take it slow. Keep it simple and savor these moments. Not be afraid of the silence but embrace it. Although, I will tell you that with my two crazy toddlers silence is rather rare! :)

I know it seems silly. That by simply slowing down things would change. But they do! The Lord has calmed me daily. He has shown me that by simply slowing down I leave room to notice. To notice Him in the sweet hugs and kisses my children share with each other. To notice Him in a beautiful piece of music or even in slowing down long enough to actually taste that chocolate! But most importantly, I think, to show Him to others. Whether its slowing down enough to be aware that the person behind me at the grocery store only has 4 items-compared to my mountain of groceries (not to mention my stack of coupons!) and gladly letting them go ahead. Or really looking my cashier in the eye to ask her how her day is going. Whatever it is I've begun to see the things I've been missing!

My prayer today is that the Lord would continue to slow me down. That in my rush to accomplish all of my "necessaries" I would leave room to grasp the truly necessary. The LIFE GIVING-LIFE CHANGING love of Christ and what He is doing and asking me to do-all around me!


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