He BEGGED to go with Him??!!
So, January was "one of those months". It seems as though the Lord has been searching me, or was He causing me to search myself... In either case-I've been searched!! And I am filled with gratitude. I'm grateful, because without such "searches" I might never grow. And if I never grew-my relationship with the Lord would never deepen. And that, my friends, is an unbearable thought. When I started walking with the Lord 10 1/2 years ago, my goal was simple: To always be closer to the Lord tomorrow than I am today. I haven't always been successful-and there have been times when I've tried my hardest to run or even hide from God. And in those times His grace and mercy have been, well-overwhelming!
So, in the midst of all this "growth"-I've been struggling. Struggling with how to be in this world when my heart is so called to another. And the Lord, in his great mercy, has been showing me. He's been showing me through the book I've been reading about prayer-and how prayer is our permanent and intimate connection to God. And how, through prayer, we can align our desires with God's. And He's been showing me through his Word.
I've been reading through Luke each morning. And my reading for yesterday was Luke 8:26-39. I've read this passage a dozen times and heard multiple sermons on it. But it was not until that morning that the Lord showed me something new. The story is about a man, whom Jesus and his disciples came across when they sailed to a new region. The man is possessed by demons and has been living-naked and crazy-in the tombs for some time. Upon seeing Jesus, the demons beg to be cast into a herd of pigs. Jesus obliges and the pigs eventually run off a cliff and drown in a lake. Well, the towns people, upon hearing this story-rush out to see the man. When they see he has been healed they, well, freak-out and ask Jesus to leave-and he does.
Now, I have to admit-this is usually where I leave the story. Pretty awesome miracle that freaks people out and they beg Jesus to leave-which he does. But it is the next 2 verses that the Lord really wanted me to see!
Luke 8:38-39
"The man from whom the demons had gone out begged to go with him (Jesus), but Jesus sent him away, saying, 'Return home and tell how much God has done for you.' So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him."
I have to admit-I totally get this guy. Jesus saved his life-and actually, gave him one! That is huge! Ask any one of us that have been redeemed-and we'll tell you. So I totally understand how the man is desperate for Jesus-even begging to go with Him. And I'll be honest, Jesus' response puzzled me at first. That is, until I remembered what Jesus was all about. He was about those people-the ones who were so afraid after they witnessed Jesus' power. And to Him, leaving that man in that town-to bear witness to God's gracious love, mercy and power? Well, that was what was most important to Jesus! And, that is what He is calling me to.
So, my prayer today is this: That when I am longing for my God, I would encounter him-not only in His Word-but also in the wonderful, intimate "mystery" that is prayer. And then, be willing, to "return home and tell how much God has done for you".
Loving and praying for you all today!
So, in the midst of all this "growth"-I've been struggling. Struggling with how to be in this world when my heart is so called to another. And the Lord, in his great mercy, has been showing me. He's been showing me through the book I've been reading about prayer-and how prayer is our permanent and intimate connection to God. And how, through prayer, we can align our desires with God's. And He's been showing me through his Word.
I've been reading through Luke each morning. And my reading for yesterday was Luke 8:26-39. I've read this passage a dozen times and heard multiple sermons on it. But it was not until that morning that the Lord showed me something new. The story is about a man, whom Jesus and his disciples came across when they sailed to a new region. The man is possessed by demons and has been living-naked and crazy-in the tombs for some time. Upon seeing Jesus, the demons beg to be cast into a herd of pigs. Jesus obliges and the pigs eventually run off a cliff and drown in a lake. Well, the towns people, upon hearing this story-rush out to see the man. When they see he has been healed they, well, freak-out and ask Jesus to leave-and he does.
Now, I have to admit-this is usually where I leave the story. Pretty awesome miracle that freaks people out and they beg Jesus to leave-which he does. But it is the next 2 verses that the Lord really wanted me to see!
Luke 8:38-39
"The man from whom the demons had gone out begged to go with him (Jesus), but Jesus sent him away, saying, 'Return home and tell how much God has done for you.' So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him."
I have to admit-I totally get this guy. Jesus saved his life-and actually, gave him one! That is huge! Ask any one of us that have been redeemed-and we'll tell you. So I totally understand how the man is desperate for Jesus-even begging to go with Him. And I'll be honest, Jesus' response puzzled me at first. That is, until I remembered what Jesus was all about. He was about those people-the ones who were so afraid after they witnessed Jesus' power. And to Him, leaving that man in that town-to bear witness to God's gracious love, mercy and power? Well, that was what was most important to Jesus! And, that is what He is calling me to.
So, my prayer today is this: That when I am longing for my God, I would encounter him-not only in His Word-but also in the wonderful, intimate "mystery" that is prayer. And then, be willing, to "return home and tell how much God has done for you".
Loving and praying for you all today!
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