Trying to finish a sentence with toddlers is like-

Looking through my blogger account I notice something. It is full of thoughts... Thoughts-unfinished, undeveloped, and unrealized. (I write during naptime which tends to ebb and flow at the whim of my 21 month old. Some days all I write is the first sentence!) And, I can't tell you the number of times I have left a 'playdate' (a.k.a.: me chasing my kids around while yelling something unintelligible over my shoulder to another mom who is wrangling her kid while yelling at me over her shoulder!!) only to realize, I don't think I finished a single conversation-in 4 hours. How is that possible?! Incidentally, I have mastered the art of answering my son's questions with an "uh-huh" while continuing to read my book. And, if I'm feeling extra affirming, I'll throw in some eye-contact and an "oh, wow!". (Mom of the Year-right here!) ;^)

So, it's safe to say that being the mom of two toddlers has helped me to learn to deal with interruptions. But, it isn't just our kids that interrupt our 'thoughts', is it? And as I think about it I realize that for me, lately, it's been my Lord. Sometimes all it takes is a gentle nudge and He has my full attention. Sometimes He has to 'work' a little harder. Like a perfectly-placed scripture or a perfectly-timed text from a friend. And my responses vary. I am attentive-sometimes. Sometimes not. I've even been known to be put-off by my Lord's desire for me! Whatever my initial response-the result is always the same. I find my purpose; my meaning; and my peace all come from my Lord. Period. If He's 'calling' me it's because He knows me. And, He knows that I need Him.

As I turned to my scriptures this week I encountered many who had their lives 'interrupted' by the Lord. (I'm reading through the book of Acts-there are plenty of examples!) But I'll just choose one. As Paul (talk about a life interrupted!!) is talking to the Athenians about their gods he point them to the one true God.
 From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us. ‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’ Acts 17:26-28
As I read this, something hits me: I'm not just here to complete an agenda. My life isn't a giant 'check list' waiting to be completed! I am here to seek the Lord; to "reach out for him and find him". Suddenly those "interruptions" from my Lord don't seem like interruptions, at all! :)

My prayer today is this: That I would view my life-my whole life-as a means to seek and find my Lord. And, that when I am 'interrupted' by my Lord-I would listen. Knowing that my purpose; my meaning and my peace come come from Him alone.

Loving and praying for you all today!


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