My Lonely, Little Blog :(


As a "Writer"... and trust me, I use that term in the literal, as-in, "one who LITERALLY writes", there is nothing more pathetic and honestly, annoying than an unfulfilled or abandoned blog. You see, way back, when thoughts were only recorded on pen and paper the only 'eyes' subjected to said incomplete or abandoned thoughts were those belonging to the author. We were not left 'hanging', wondering what had become of this person or that character. Or whether this diet or that remedy actually worked!? NO! Most pieces were complete. The series culminated and an ending reached. And we were left with a sense of satisfaction, and occasionally disappointment, upon said completion. Ah, but not anymore. The ease and nonchalance with which opinions and thoughts are "published" today makes them trivial-even *gasp* disposable . Again, as a "Writer", this reality leaves me unnerved!?

And yet-here I sit. Brushing away the metaphorical cobwebs to gaze upon my own thoughts and feelings, long ago abandoned. (I know. I am being overly dramatic. But, my point will be made shortly and the drama here will give more 'weight' to my realization understand.) You see, this was a record of my musings! I journeyed, along with my readers, through grief and joy, inquiry and revelation, death and life, longing and satisfaction. I shared myself with you all. And then, abruptly withdrew. Went silent. The "pages" left blank... What a shame! And, what a sham. You are owed an explanation. Some reason for my departure. And yet, none came. No. Not one utterance of 'why'. Just silence...

Well, honestly, the explanation is simple. And my reason quite reasonable. You see, I got busy. You know, the kind of 'busy' that borders on chaos. I had no time for thoughts or feelings, much less the opportunity to "write" them down!?...

And yet, there is deceit in that statement. I had the time, yet squandered it. I repressed my emotions and ignored my thoughts. To one, rather tragic, end-this abandoned blog. When a "Writer" ceases to write it usually means something. And, often it means something BIG. I am no exception. Life had lost its clear direction and the picture remained fuzzy. Faith was tested and what was revealed gave me-pause... I took a step back and then, eventually-a step away.

But the lights did not stay "out" nor did the stage remain "bare". And the story did not end... You see, this blog was (and still is) the tangible representation of my faith's journey. So, while that journey took an unexpected detour it most certainly is not over! Sometimes it just takes a little time... and a lot quiet.

So, whether you like it or not, that silence-no matter how "golden"-is over! :o)

I want to leave you with a scripture that the Lord spoke anew to me during this time of "quiet detour".

“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened." Mathew 7:7-8 (NLT)

And, I don't hear it as a promise that I'll always get what I want. Or that the picture will never go "fuzzy ", again. I hear it as a promise that I can never ask, seek, or knock in vain. My God is listening and He is near.

Loving and praying for you all today!


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