A Letter to My Fellow, Desperate Americans
As a writer, one of the main ways that I communicate is through written word. And for the past 6 months, or so, I have been quietly lamenting the direction our country was headed, with my pen. The unique thing about writing is that it is a largely silent form of communication until it is shared and then read. So - this is me, saying something - as loudly as I possibly can:
Dear Fellow Americans,
Don't give up!! I wanted to start with hope because without it we have nothing - but seriously - don't despair. So many are feeling desperately anxious and I know what you're going through. I too have felt desperate and helpless. Like I'm the only one shouting - the only one who seems to care. I have felt the disbelief of seeing true injustice done, to smiles and applause. I too have walked around shell-shocked, dumbfounded by what I was witnessing. And, just like you, I have seen that disbelief turn to anger - even rage - at what has been and will be done in the name of America. Because, you see, I am pro-life. And, in the name of protecting my personal freedoms people have literally danced in the street while innocent lives are lost, behind closed doors. Each time the Supreme Court rules against these precious children - TRULY the most vulnerable among us - I feel helpless.
So, here is my advice if you find yourself feeling helpless this morning. Or desperate because you don't recognize your fellow citizens and cannot possibly understand how they are unable to see the incredible injustice right in front of their faces. If you are filled with fear and are wondering, 'What you will tell your children?'.
Don't give up.
Don't stay quiet.
Don't go with the flow simply because those around you don't recognize what is happening. Stand-up for life - for true equality for all life. Not just those deemed worthy of it but all life. And, I, pray. Because I have found that True Hope lies only with God through His Son, Jesus.
I am desperately sorry for those grieving and afraid, today. I know what you are going through. I, too, have looked around and thought, "This is not my America.". But, I can't and won't give-up. And, neither can you. We must continue to tell anyone, who will listen, of the injustices we see. And, most importantly, we must spread love. True Love. Because I have found that Love is the only thing that can change the human heart. And fellow Americans, that is what we so desperately need right now. A change of heart.
Prayerfully Yours,
**For more on why I am Pro-Life click on My Story Here**
Dear Fellow Americans,
So, here is my advice if you find yourself feeling helpless this morning. Or desperate because you don't recognize your fellow citizens and cannot possibly understand how they are unable to see the incredible injustice right in front of their faces. If you are filled with fear and are wondering, 'What you will tell your children?'.
Don't give up.
Don't stay quiet.
Don't go with the flow simply because those around you don't recognize what is happening. Stand-up for life - for true equality for all life. Not just those deemed worthy of it but all life. And, I, pray. Because I have found that True Hope lies only with God through His Son, Jesus.
I am desperately sorry for those grieving and afraid, today. I know what you are going through. I, too, have looked around and thought, "This is not my America.". But, I can't and won't give-up. And, neither can you. We must continue to tell anyone, who will listen, of the injustices we see. And, most importantly, we must spread love. True Love. Because I have found that Love is the only thing that can change the human heart. And fellow Americans, that is what we so desperately need right now. A change of heart.
Prayerfully Yours,
**For more on why I am Pro-Life click on My Story Here**
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