I often marvel at the quiet of the predawn hours. I sit at the counter, sipping my coffee - pouring over God's Word - at peace.
As I've said here many times, it wasn't always so. We have had many desperate days when waking before the sun meant exhaustion. It meant desperation to "fix" our daughter or, at the very least, ease her suffering. It meant sleepless nights and weary days. It was here, when things seemed most bleak, that I turned to my Lord and He provided rescue. I would never choose to go through those days and nights again. But nor would I choose to return to the person I was before. We are becoming who we were always meant to be. It is in this realization that I find myself returning to writing. I have been asked multiple times why I choose to share so much of myself here on this blog. Well, you see, my story is not my own. The story I wrote for myself was destructive and sad. Something of a train-wreck. You might've read my story with the kind of fascination one has when happening upon a particularly bad car accident. You don't look away but you are never happy you didn't either. You're left unsettled - without peace. My story, the one I wrote for myself, would leave you just as unsettled. Void of hope. Praise God I am not writing that story - but am allowing Him to write His story through me! His story is one of redemption and beauty. One of true joy in the midst of real pain. Of life given out of death. His story brings hope and authentic relationships. So I tell the story He is writing in my life. Because He is redeeming all of the broken things, friends. And, I can barely express what that has done for my life.

Well, today I want to share just of couple of areas where I see the broken being redeemed in those around me. Stories of women who could have cursed God for their unbelievable loss but instead chose to turn and praise Him. And, how they chose to share hope in the midst of tragedy.
I met Esther about 5 years ago. She had 2 small children and a beautiful smile. She had such a gentle, quiet spirit that she was impossible not to like. But just one short year after our meeting Esther became pregnant with their 3rd child. This pregnancy was extremely complicated and dangerous and unfortunately ended with Esther almost losing her life and the death of their precious baby boy, Isaac. For many people this loss would have been the end. The story written - one of tragedy and loss. Maybe even one of hope and coping in the face of death. But when God writes a story - when we allow Him to be the Author - amazing things happen. Leaving the hospital with a heavy heart and empty arms was a horrible thought for Esther. Thankfully God moves people to do extraordinary things and Esther was given a teddy bear to hold so her arms would have something to squeeze as she left. As she grieved her precious boy Esther knew she could not allow Isaac's legacy be one of such pain and loss. So she began to allow the Lord to write an inspirational story of healing and helping others grieve their incredible loss. **Her family and friends raised money to purchase Isaac Bears so the arms of those who had lost so much would not be empty. I was given a little piece of hope from Isaac's life and death when Esther gave my 3 children Isaac Bears, after our recent miscarriages. Her story is a beautiful example of what can happen when we allow God to write our story. I want to say that Esther would tell you she allowed bitterness to settle in after Isaac's death. I think that is an important piece to share because let's face it - this life is messy. We will often miss the mark. But that's the beauty of allowing God to write your story: He never messes up and will use even our "misses" for His glory - if we allow Him to.
I have been incredibly blessed to know some truly amazing women. And believe it or not the same day I met Esther I also met Sue. Sue's story can be found HERE in her own beautiful and eloquent words but what I wanted to say is this: I see God's hand weaving a beautiful tapestry in the writing of her story. It is a story of incredible suffering but also of unyielding hope. Her struggles are real and she is authentic in telling those around her she's having a hard time. But God is using her vulnerability and faith to bless so many. He is truly creating beauty.
These are just 2 examples of the women whose stories have blessed me and shown me what life can look like when we allow God to write the story. They're not perfect - they'd be the first people to tell you that - but God doesn't ask for perfection. He only asks that we trust Him. And for me trusting Him looks like offering my life and then using my words to tell others His story.
Loving and praying for you all, today!
** (For more of Esther's story and information on Isaac Bears click here)
As I've said here many times, it wasn't always so. We have had many desperate days when waking before the sun meant exhaustion. It meant desperation to "fix" our daughter or, at the very least, ease her suffering. It meant sleepless nights and weary days. It was here, when things seemed most bleak, that I turned to my Lord and He provided rescue. I would never choose to go through those days and nights again. But nor would I choose to return to the person I was before. We are becoming who we were always meant to be. It is in this realization that I find myself returning to writing. I have been asked multiple times why I choose to share so much of myself here on this blog. Well, you see, my story is not my own. The story I wrote for myself was destructive and sad. Something of a train-wreck. You might've read my story with the kind of fascination one has when happening upon a particularly bad car accident. You don't look away but you are never happy you didn't either. You're left unsettled - without peace. My story, the one I wrote for myself, would leave you just as unsettled. Void of hope. Praise God I am not writing that story - but am allowing Him to write His story through me! His story is one of redemption and beauty. One of true joy in the midst of real pain. Of life given out of death. His story brings hope and authentic relationships. So I tell the story He is writing in my life. Because He is redeeming all of the broken things, friends. And, I can barely express what that has done for my life.

Well, today I want to share just of couple of areas where I see the broken being redeemed in those around me. Stories of women who could have cursed God for their unbelievable loss but instead chose to turn and praise Him. And, how they chose to share hope in the midst of tragedy.
I met Esther about 5 years ago. She had 2 small children and a beautiful smile. She had such a gentle, quiet spirit that she was impossible not to like. But just one short year after our meeting Esther became pregnant with their 3rd child. This pregnancy was extremely complicated and dangerous and unfortunately ended with Esther almost losing her life and the death of their precious baby boy, Isaac. For many people this loss would have been the end. The story written - one of tragedy and loss. Maybe even one of hope and coping in the face of death. But when God writes a story - when we allow Him to be the Author - amazing things happen. Leaving the hospital with a heavy heart and empty arms was a horrible thought for Esther. Thankfully God moves people to do extraordinary things and Esther was given a teddy bear to hold so her arms would have something to squeeze as she left. As she grieved her precious boy Esther knew she could not allow Isaac's legacy be one of such pain and loss. So she began to allow the Lord to write an inspirational story of healing and helping others grieve their incredible loss. **Her family and friends raised money to purchase Isaac Bears so the arms of those who had lost so much would not be empty. I was given a little piece of hope from Isaac's life and death when Esther gave my 3 children Isaac Bears, after our recent miscarriages. Her story is a beautiful example of what can happen when we allow God to write our story. I want to say that Esther would tell you she allowed bitterness to settle in after Isaac's death. I think that is an important piece to share because let's face it - this life is messy. We will often miss the mark. But that's the beauty of allowing God to write your story: He never messes up and will use even our "misses" for His glory - if we allow Him to.
I have been incredibly blessed to know some truly amazing women. And believe it or not the same day I met Esther I also met Sue. Sue's story can be found HERE in her own beautiful and eloquent words but what I wanted to say is this: I see God's hand weaving a beautiful tapestry in the writing of her story. It is a story of incredible suffering but also of unyielding hope. Her struggles are real and she is authentic in telling those around her she's having a hard time. But God is using her vulnerability and faith to bless so many. He is truly creating beauty.
These are just 2 examples of the women whose stories have blessed me and shown me what life can look like when we allow God to write the story. They're not perfect - they'd be the first people to tell you that - but God doesn't ask for perfection. He only asks that we trust Him. And for me trusting Him looks like offering my life and then using my words to tell others His story.
Loving and praying for you all, today!
** (For more of Esther's story and information on Isaac Bears click here)
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